


Fixed Camera

Fixed camera is a class that includes multiple variables that can be easily modified in the scene, depending on the type of camera used.

There are two types of cameras:

  • Static Camera
  • On Rail Camera

Each of the cameras have its own parameters. Here are all of them:

Activate On PlayActivates this camera after starting the game.
Camera RailReference to the camera rail.
Rail Travelling DistanceMax distance between the player and the camera to reach the last point of the rail.
Smooth MovementActivates smooth camera movement.
Smooth Movement SpeedSmooth camera movement velocity.
Camera FocusEnumerator with the different types of focuses:
▪ No Focus
▪ Focus on Player
▪ Focus on Target
▪ Middle position between player and initial focus
▪ Middle position between player and target
Focus TargetTarget object reference.
Middle Point AlphaPoint between the target and the player (0…1).
Smooth RotationActivates smooth camera rotation.
Smooth Rotation SpeedSmooth camera rotation velocity.

Fixed Camera Path

The camera rail works like a normal spline. Modify it until getting the desired size and form and reference it into the Fixed Camera Actor.

Fixed Camera Trigger

This actor contains two collision boxes, each with a color (blue and orange). In the parameters, you must assign a camera to be activated depending on the last box collider with which the character has finished its overlapping.

You can also configure a smooth transition effect between cameras.

What are your feelings
Updated on May 10, 2024



