

Avenge your family and hunt your enemies.


Howl of Iron is a 3rd person action title with blends of stealth. The city offers several paths and heights to move and attack.

Travel through the streets of Steamfall your way. Explore back-to-back each section to find the patrols’ weak spots. Climb buildings to attack from above and escape unfavorable encounters.

I worked as Game Designer and Technical Designer on this game as my Master’s Degree Final Project.


  • Third person combat systems
  • Stealth mechanics
  • Cinematographic narrative elements
  • Trip the buildings
  • Semi-open levels


  • Designed and prototyped most of the core mechanics and systems, including, among others:
    1. Data-Driven Character System: The first version for the character creation system.
      1. This system consisted of generating the different characters of the game around data instead of around inheritance.
      2. This method was prototyped, but excluded from the final version of the game due to the low quantity of characters needed for this project.
      3. The entire documentation about this system can be read here.
    2. Combat System: This system was implemented by using Gameplay Ability System (GAS).
      1. Light and Heavy Attacks: Montages and transition between attacks.
      2. Impacts (UX related): Camera Shake, Particles, blur.
      3. Attack Effects (flyback, pushback, etc.).
      4. Magnetism between attacks to get closer to the enemy.
    3. Cutscene System: Made custom triggers to play cutscenes during the game (after executing an enemy, after reaching a place, etc.).
    4. Save Game System: Used Game Instance and Save Game object to save the player data during the game.
    5. Subtitle System: Used sequences to call static functions that show subtitles on viewport.
  • Designed and Implemented the User Interface (UI):
    1. Worked pair to pair with programming members.
    2. Implemented main menu: Title Menu, Buttons (New Game, Continue, Settings, Credits, Quit), responsiveness.
    3. Implemented the tutorial and a Tooltip System to show videos and tips during the playthrough.
  • Made multiple Tools for Level Designers & Artists: During the project, as a Technical Designer, I developed multiple tools to enhance productivity of team members.
    1. Mesh Distribution Tool: This tool allowed level designers and artists to place objects in a faster way. Its applications can be seen here.
    2. Mesh Replacing Tool: This tool allowed the artists to replace the scenario proxies by the final mesh selecting the old one and the new one.
    3. Custom Trigger Tool: This is the tool used for all the triggers in the game. Every trigger has a list of listeners and events that are called when a actor overlap it and executes custom functions.
  • Successfully pitched the game to different stakeholders.


  • Studio: 16 Gears
  • Genre: Third Person Adventure
  • Platform: PC
  • Duration:
    1. Core design and prototype: February 2022 – May 2022
    2. Pre-Alpha: May 2022 – July 2022
    3. Alpha: July 2022 – September 2022
    4. Beta: September 2022 – October 2022
    5. Gold: Early October 2022 – Late October 2022
  • Team Size:
    1. 6 Game Designers
    2. 5 Programmers
    3. 5 Artists
    4. 1 Producer
  • Engine & Tools used: Unreal Engine 4.27, Maya, Substance Painter, ZBrush
  • Other: During this project I was mentored by industry professionals.


Gameplay Design Contributions


During the development of this project I carried out the following Gameplay Design tasks:

  • I helped design all the systems related to the movement.
  • I helped design all the enemies in the game.
  • I designed and implemented the camera system.

DESIGN & Documentation


1. Main Gameplay Mechanics

I designed the main character’s core mechanics.

2. Camera System

I specified how the camera would work.


Technical Design Contributions


During the development of this project, as a Technical Designer, I carried out the following tasks:

  • I made multiple tools and carried out prototyping labor to simplify the work of my colleagues and to visualize what we wanted to implement in the game.
  • I coordinated the design and programming departments.
  • I documented game systems.


1. Mesh Distribution Tool

This tool allowed level designers and artists to place objects in a faster way.

2. Mesh Replacing Tool

This tool allowed the artists to replace the level proxies by the final mesh selecting the old one and the new one.

3. Custom Trigger Tool

This is the tool used for all the triggers in the game. Every trigger has a list of listeners and events that are called when a actor overlaps it and executes custom functions.

DESIGN & Documentation


1. Data-Driven Character System

I designed how the characters would be implemented in the video game. My proposal was to orient the character generation to a Data-Driven system.

2. Data-Driven Sound System

I specified how the sound would be implemented in the project.