To carry out the inclusion of the command console in the UI, the following steps must be followed:
- Load the Widget and add it to the Viewport.
- Create Task.
- Add Task to the Data Table.
Widget Configuration
You must access the Player Controller that is in use (preferably). In it you must add the following:
- Widget creation, storage in a variable and the incorporation to the Viewport.
- A function associated to an input where the Event SetActiveConsole of the Widget is called.

With this done, the command console now works.

Commands Data Table
To see the existing commands, you must access the Data Table in the CustomInGameConsole/InGameConsole/DataTables/DT_ConsoleCommands directory.
In this Data Table you can modify the following parameters of each Command:
- Command: Text to be typed in the console to call the command.
- Task: Reference to the Task where the command is executed.
- Description: Command description.

Now you can modify the content of the commands.