Initial Setup
To make the files found in this project work in a different project, the following steps must be followed:
- Change the Game Instance of the project / Add interface to an existing one
- Choose the level where you will work
- Choose the Game Mode of the scene / Add interface to an existing one
Game Instance Configuration
You must access the Edit/ProjectSettings tab.

Once this is done, type “Game Instance” in the explorer and change the Game Instance Class to BP_SpaceShooterGameInstance.

New Game Instance Creation
In case you want to use your own Game Instance, the only thing you have to make sure is to include the BI_GameInstance interface in yours.
For it, inside your Game Instance, open the Class Settings tab, and where it appears Interfaces, add the BI_GameInstance interface.

Now, you can modify the content of the methods of this interface to calibrate it to your liking.
The map to be worked on will be the one named Level located in the GameFiles/Maps/Level directory.

Game Mode Configuration
On the map where the game will be played, check that the Game Mode selected in the World Settings window is the one named BP_SpaceShooterGameMode.

New Game Mode Creation
In case you want to use your own Game Mode, the only thing you have to make sure is to include the BI_GameMode interface in yours.
To do so, inside your Game Mode, open the Class Settings tab, and where Interfaces appears, add the BI_GameMode interface.

In order to configure the camera in the new Game Mode, add the following in the Begin Play event:

Despite the existence of this possibility, I do not recommend creating your own Game Mode, as it may cause several problems related to the user interface and the implemented Dispatchers.