Plugin for Unreal Engine 4/5 👁🗨 Add procedural animations to your FPS by using Curves 🔫
Latest Update: September 10th, 2022
Note: A good understanding of Blueprints & Curves will be useful in order to modify content.
GitHub Repository / Official Website / GitHub Profile
📚 Overview
This tool allows you to create several animations for a First Person Shooter by editing Unreal Engine Curves. It also includes data based weapon sway. If you need more help to include this plugin to your project, you can contact me at contact@gerlogu.com.
📣 Content
This is what you can modify:
- Curves
- Blueprints
- Components
- Data Values
- …and everything you need 😉
🗣 Contact
If you have any questions, contact me and I will answer you and include your question into the User’s Manual.
- OFFICIAL WEBSITE: www.gerlogu.com
- CONTACT EMAIL: contact@gerlogu.com
⚠ Disclaimer
No enemy nor Fire events like bullet spawning are included.
Technical Information
- Custom Movement Sway by editing Component Variables.
- Custom Camera Sway by editing Component Variables.
- Custom Animations by editing Curves.
- 5 Example Animations INCLUDED.
Number of Blueprints: 1
Number of Components: 1
Number of Scripts: 5
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Anyone
Important/Additional Notes: In case you have any doubt, contact me and I will answer you and include your question into the User’s Manual.